Sunday, January 17, 2016


all the ingredients

*sorry for the phone pictures*
Recycled mail art envelopes, prints, scraps, junk mail, and all kinds of stuff, from Romanian dance club flyers to London tube maps, all cut up for super collab-o zine #2. new cover new inside.

Credit card junk mail envelope: clip the flap and fold to add as pages in my "add and pass" mini zines for mail art, people can stick little goodies like stamps or fortune cookie fortunes in there to be found by the next recipients

once all the zines are put together, i can add a few embellishments from other artists... stamps stickers clippings business cards etc and then its off to the world of snail mail for everyone to add their own marks.

also here is a pic of the envelope pages at work

1 comment:

  1. We love controlled looseness, beautiful mojo and a mastery of a artful hieroglyphics!
